
In verband met de overname van House of Beers en verhuizing kan het zijn dat uw pakket wat later aankomt dan u van ons gewend bent. Bedankt voor uw begrip!

A small selection from our collection

Echte Oudjes

Really Old Ones

Here you'll find really old beers, bottled a long time ago and... 

Goose Island Bourbon County

Goose Island Bourbon County

Ontdek de smaakvolle wereld van Goose Island bij Gerijpte Bieren! 

  • Really Old Ones

    Here you'll find really old beers, bottled a long time ago and carefully aged over the years. This extraordinairy collection entails the really old beers we've collected over the years.
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  • New beers

    On this page you'll find the newest aged beers on our website! They're aged under the perfect circumstances.
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  • Sale

    All the beers with discounts. The beers in the sale change continiously, so make sure to check this one out regularly!
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